Sunday, May 15, 2011


well i keep tRying to upload moRe but bloggeR is being Really difficult foR some Reason. anyway, my awesome fRiend jon took us downtown (slc) so that we could get some bRidals and couple pictuRes done. he did an awesome job. cant wait to see what he does with the actual wedding!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Family and Food

my bRotheR, aaRon, and his lovely, julia, bRought JAK out to califoRnia foR a little celebRatoRy tRip (julia is gRaduating) and Ryan and i weRe lucky to be able to meet them in laguna beach foR dinneR. la casa del camino is a hotel and the RestauRant inside is a local favoRite and with good Reason. the food was fantastic! it was nice to hang out with family and so fun to see that big fat baby. what a doll. dont you just want to eat his cheeks?
one of Ryan's favoRites, no bake cookies.
they aRe foR suRe yum, but for some Reason (our bet is humidity) it takes foReveR foR them to set up heRe...... ...Ryan doesnt wait. go me! i made banana bRead foR the veRy fiRst time. unsupeRvised and successfully.

the Recipe didnt say anything about chocolate chips so i just assumed they weRe implied.