Sunday, October 30, 2011

Oh yEah....

befoRe it got all cold and unhappy, we went on a hike with my MOM.
going up wasnt too bad and look at that view. down was anotheR stoRy.

pUMkin CaRving!!!

i'm not a huge halloween fan by any means, and Ryan is in the same boat,
but i do like to caRve pumkins. i'd had the face for mine picked out foR weeks

 i'm a little moRe tRaditional with my scaRy face pumpkin and Ry is all boy with
his tRibute to the TRANSFORMERS

fUN with the kIDS

we've been tRying to make the most of ouR octobeR.
gina bRought up heR new little man, KASTLE, foR heR baby showeR
and so that he could meet his cousin, HARTLEY, who is just one week oldeR.

 Ryan and I spent the day with my sisteR, SARA, and heR kids.
we went to GARDENER VILLAGE, wheRe halloween is in full swing.

but fiRst we all went to CHERRY HILL foR some mini-golf.
aRm a little kid with a club, sounds like a good idea, Right?

 this is a legitimate feaR of case you wanted to know

Friday, October 7, 2011


 one of Ryan's all time favoRite bands is Big D and the Kids Table. they Rock in the SKA vaRiety
and put on a supeR good show.

Ryan was Really excited to meet dave, the leading man. yea foR cell phone pics in the daRk Right.