Sunday, September 2, 2012

Our First Camping Trip

Ry and I went on our very first camping trip together this week.
It was just an over-nighter but we did the tent and sleeping bags, tinfoil dinners
and a lousy nights sleep. Ah camping. 

 I had friday off and ry had to work the morning, and then ry had saturday off
and i had to work the evening, so between us we had one whole free day, if you
count the night in the middle, so we decided it would be the perfect time to squeeze 4 dives into.

Aren't we just the coolest.  

Thursday, July 12, 2012

June rolls into July...

so this june we weRe lucky enough to be able to take a little tRip to
sunny aRizona (since st geoRge isnt sunny and hot enough)
Ry's good fRiend was getting hitched and we aRe always looking foR a Reason
to bail on Reality foR a bit. we dRove to vegas and took in the aquaRium. lots of shaRks
and Rays and jelly fish. since we've taken up scuba, we'Re Really into maRine life.

 we gRabbed lunch at the eaRl of sandwich, bee-tee-dub, amazing!!!
also gellato...twice. need i say moRe?
once we finally got to ouR destination, we headed out to saguaRo national paRk.
these things aRe so cRazy big! they live foR something like 150 yeaRs and get to be
50 ft tall. shut the fRont dooR right? 

foR the 4th, my favoRite day of the entiRe yeaR, i had 5 Requirements:
1. get wet, 2.watermellon cream/popsicles 4.sunburn 5. fiRewoRks
we went out to zion and hiked the naRRows in puRsuit of 1 and 4. it was oveRcast
so i missed the sunburn, but we got plenty wet. i also got ice cReam and we
sat on ouR Roof to catch the fiRewoRks. 3 out of 5 isnt bad :)

also....what is this about. we have no clue.
it was on the side of the Road on the way to zion.

last night i made devils food cupcakes and white mountain fRosting
fRom scRatch to take to my woRk meeting. we had only been back fRom
the lake wheRe we had been diving foR the last couple houRs and i wanted my 
cake now. that is one cupcake in my hand and the Rest of the fRosting
in my lap. dont judge me. 

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Just a little hike and...

so Ry and i decided to take a little hike. just a little walk since ouR
big subway tRip got cancelled. tuRns out, Ry is spideRman.

We took this little walk on sunday, and as punishment fRom above, we weRe 
locked out of ouR house. sigh. so heRe's Ry tRying to bReak in....with bobby pins.

and a papeRclip, and scRewdRiveR. go team.

Friday, May 11, 2012


hey! so stuff happens to us foR suRe, but i usually only get a pic heRe and theRe
so i think it's best to make one awesome post RatheR than
a bunch of little ones.
up fiRst, Ry and i tied the knot. again i know. that makes one foR the goveRnment,
one foR us, and one foR the man upstaiRs. go us go!
i wasn't planning to do a bunch of pictuRes b/c i have my wedding pics ya know,
but i wasn't opposed to a few snap shots. wouldn't you know it,
a photogRapher happened to be between shoots and when momK asked heR
wheRe a good place to have a stand was, she just volunteeRed to snap a few foR us.
i'll post them heRe when i get 

we have discoveRed and fallen in love with Piccolo Mondo,
the new italian place up the stReet. have been twice, will RetuRn soon. olive gaRden, neveR again.
the chef, alfRedo, is a legit sicilian and cooks like one. not to mention talks like one,
you can baRely undeRstand him foR the accent.
this is me eating my linguini with clams, fish, something i couldn't identify, and calimaRi. not fRied.
how bRave am i? it's not the flavoR that will get ya, it's the textuRe.

foR those of you who don't know, Ry has been getting his scuba ceRtification and  heRe i am
giving it a tRy. gaRth (or gaR?) was my dive masteR. i picked it up pRetty quick, especially since i'm not
entiRely comfoRtable in the wateR, until i had to put wateR in my mask and get it back out.
afteR almost dRowning myself a few times i finally got the hang of it.

so much fun! looks like i will be getting ceRtified as well.
in lieu of motheR's day, because i'm not one, Ry, got me the vacuum of my dReams.
it's my "thanks foR not being a motheR yet" gift. 

once oveR the aRea Rug and the couches and we weRe shocked by what it picked up.
and it handles like a dream. turns on a dime. who needs a crevice tool??