Saturday, April 16, 2011


one thing about Ryan, he hates getting attention. he loves a good paRty as long as it's not foR him so we spent his biRthday just the two of us. i cooked us a dinneR that would have made my mom pRoud and it would have been peRfect, but Ryan had to stay late at woRk so it was a little cold and dRy by the time he got home. ah well. it was still pRetty good. not to woRRy, the made-fRom-scRatch chocolate cake mad up foR eveRything. it was yum. we had it foR desseRt, bReakfast and lunch.
anotheR thing you might not know about Ryan, he takes his bubble blowing into chocolate milk veRy seRiously. appaRently theRe aRe fineR points that some people just dont leaRn gRowing up. one of them being: bubbles wait foR no man (neither does Ry). he broke apaRt a pen so that he could have a stRaw to make the bubbles.

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